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Blog - our latest posts

How are modern technologies transforming production?

If you work in the FMCG industry, you know that manual quality control is costly and never perfect due to subjective assessments. One of our clients, a dairy product manufacturer, faced this challenge and found a...

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Configuration of access in GCP projects

Can Managing Permissions in Google Cloud Platform Be Faster and More Reliable? At LCloud, we use our Terraform module-based approach to achieve this. Our module enables the configuration and management of IAM...

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The strength of business relationships in practice

Communication and partnership-based relationships are the foundation of our operations. That’s why, whenever an opportunity arises to meet with our American Partners, we don’t hesitate for a moment—we set...

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Marketers – increase customer engagement with AWS tools!

Customer experience and engagement is a growing value, that companies are paying close attention to. Due to increasing competition, as well as higher expectations towards services or products, companies are...

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Cost optimization in Google Cloud

Managing expenses in the cloud is one of the most important issues when designing a cloud solution. The application of appropriate principles of good design will allow not only to ensure high availability of the...

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Finance in the cloud – cost allocation in the AWS cloud

Cloud cost management, like any process in an organization, involves making rational and informed purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is important to introduce team members to the subject of shared responsibility,...

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Accreditation models for cloud adoption

Safety during the cloud adoption process is one of the key issues for organizations (both in the public and private sectors) that decide to move their business to the cloud. To dispel doubts that may arise in the...

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Security of AWS services

At the end of July 2019, the number of AWS services with a dedicated chapter on security in the documentation included 70 items, and currently, it is over 150 services. Why is it so important to know the security related to...

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Serverless Lens in Well-Architected Tool

A well-designed application is a guarantee of providing services at the highest level. Having many years of experience in working with the AWS cloud and as AWS Well-Architected Consulting Partner, we have cut our teeth...

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LCloud with a Top IT Service Provider title on Clutch

Here at LCloud, we know it can be next to impossible for a new company to implement high quality IT support while also growing to their full potential. That’s where we can help! We are constantly developing as a team and...

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Cloud security as a business value of Google

Cloud computing is the basis for the digital transformation of many companies that appreciate the possibility of shifting responsibility for selected areas to the supplier, e.g. issues with scaling and maintaining...

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From A to GCP – a cloud computing from Google

Google is one of the most popular cloud service providers. Google Cloud Platform is a set of cloud computing services and tools that allow for the development of both startups and organizations with years of experience...

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Multi-region deployment using AWS CodePipeline

The implementation process is one of the key stages of the software cycle and is associated with its installation and adaptation to the needs of the user. In order to improve the entire process, AWS has prepared services...

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LCloud becomes AWS APN Immersion Day Partner

LCloud, AWS Advanced Consulting Partner has been approved for the unique AWS APN Immersion Days Program. From today we can provide workshops dedicated to various areas and services of Amazon Web Services (AWS)....

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Security investigator – Amazon Detective

Cybersecurity is one of the priorities in the age of the information society, where data is a value in itself. It is worth paying attention to properly designed security solutions. To be able to ensure compliance with the...

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#StayAtHome and acquire knowledge remotely!

Having many years of experience in remote work and being supporters of gaining knowledge at home, we have prepared for you a list of the most interesting TechTalks, on-demand webinars and workshops from AWS....

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Quick Big Data processing | Amazon EMR

Amazon EMR is a service that allows cost-effective and fast processing of large amounts of data. It uses the Hadoop (open-source data processing software) framework, based on Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. It provides the...

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Meetup Serverless warsztatowo & AWS UG Warsaw | 19.09.2019

Holidays are over and our favorite time has finally come. A time of meetups, networking, and above all a time to acquire new skills and absorb knowledge.  On Thursday afternoon of September 19, we met once again in the...

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We are the champion – again!

As they say, “hard work pays off!” Once again, we were honoured with the title of a top B2B company in 2019 in Poland, prepared by Clutch is an advisory agency that combs the market looking for...

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LCloud – Member of Google Cloud Platform!

Google is one of the largest cloud solution providers in the world.   Our membership in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage community is a natural response to the expectations of our clients in the field of multi-cloud...

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Oracle on AWS – a database of great opportunities

Oracle is an American company that develops and delivers software for broadly understood enterprise services, and above all databases. Amazon Web Services supports Oracle databases and offers enterprises a range of...

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Cloud meetings: Alexys Australia @ LCloud’s HQ

At the beginning of last week, we had the opportunity and pleasure to meet in our office (in Warsaw) with our long-term client – Alexys Australia. Alexys Australia provides, integrates and supports...

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Serverless workshop!

On May 9, 2019, we met for the 5th time at the serverless community meetup. With this meeting, we have opened a workshop cycle in which our speakers pass on their experience to the enthusiasts of the cloud in a practical way....

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AWS Summit Warsaw – the first such event in Poland!

It is known not from today that AWS organizes some of the best events in the IT industry. They focus not only on the annual summaries of their achievements but also on the continuous provision of information, curiosities...

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When backup is needed… in other words AWS Backup

Backup is one of the basic security elements that ensure meeting the requirements set in the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery processes.   While implementing the process of creating backup policies one...

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Amazon Neptune – visual dimension of the database

There are many types of databases, and the most common are relational databases. They are based on “relations” between data, which are presented in the form of tables. Amazon Neptune is a service that uses...

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LCloud – Top IT Outsourcing Company!

From cloud migration services to IT consulting, we have been helping our clients navigate through the complicated world of IT and transform their online businesses to be more efficient and up-to-date. Our team at...

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AWS re:Invent 2018

Oh, what a week it was! Full of new products, contests, curiosities and ultra-important – for us cloud enthusiasts, AWS speeches from Andy Jassy or Dr. Werner Vogeles. Today we will tell you how we have spent the...

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#43 AWS user group Warsaw | 6.11.2018

On November 6, we met again on the second, this year, meetup at AWS User Group Poland in Warsaw on Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened by Jacek Biernat (CEO at LCloud and leader AWS UG Warsaw) and Paulina Pawlikowska...

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#3 Serverless User Group Poland

On 27th of September 2018, we have met for the third time for  Serverless User Group Poland’s meetup.   The meetiup was opened by Adrian Kiełtyka – Event & Social Manager at Aviva Kariera and...

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Amazon GuardDuty – protection with one click

Amazon GuardDuty is a service that aims to constantly monitor and manage cloud threats. It provides protection for AWS accounts and workloads. It owes its effectiveness to quick risk analysis and simple operation...

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It was a fruitful time, Perengo Team! Thank you!

In the first week of August, we hosted one of our clients. During direct meetings, it is possible to update current projects, as well as to present new team members. Common time allows for brainstorming and finding the...

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DevSecOps as a security guard

There are many approaches to managing IT projects. One of them is DevOps, also used in working with the AWS cloud. DevOps is, in short, a technique combining the development and exploitation of resources, which aims to...

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AWS Free Tier – a free cloud starter pack

Gaining engineering experience is associated with an infinite number of hours of practice and continuous training. Every beginner as DevOps or SysOps, gains experience by doing the labs. It is worth considering the...

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AWS Europe – changes in calculations and fees for the cloud

Amazon Web Services plans to introduce changes related to the financial and payroll system that until now has been in force in Europe. In the message that was sent to customers, the following message appears: Beginning 1...

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We are on the lead!

Out of over 100 companies listed, LCloud was listed as the top IT outsourcing firm in Poland! To be considered a market leader on Clutch is an enormous accomplishment for us as a company. Our recognition as a market leader...

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Amazon EKS – an automated container solution

The Kubernetes cluster technology is successfully used on such platforms as The New York Times, Zalando, Bla Bla Car and many others. All the more, we should be pleased to hear that the Amazon EKS solution, based on...

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LCloud visits US partner

In the last week of April, our engineers – Paweł and Michał – visited one of our leading partners in the USA. Here is a brief account of the trip: Without any problems our team reached the destination –...

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The Guardian & LCloud – #47 in Gdańsk

On 15th May 2018, in the O4 coworking space at Olivia Business Center in Gdańsk, # 47 took place. The edition in the Tri-City is a good opportunity to present our implementations outside of Warsaw. Camp...

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#38 AWS UG, Code Pipeline, Gwyneth Paltrow & LCloud

Last Thursday (12/04/2018), for the first time this year we met at the meetup of the AWS User Group Warsaw. During the event, we marked our presence with a presentation about one of our projects. The meeting was opened...

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