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#3 Serverless User Group Poland

3.10.2018 | LCloud
On 27th of September 2018, we have met for the third time for  Serverless User Group Poland’s meetup.


The meetiup was opened by Adrian KiełtykaEvent & Social Manager at Aviva Kariera and Paulina PawlikowskaMarketing Specialist at LCloud.


After a short introduction, we started the lectures covering the news in Serveless. The first lecture was given by Kamil Mrzygłód, who talked about the differences in application versions based on serverless solutions.



We also found a moment for networking, recharging batteries and exchanging opinions, and making new friends.



After the break, another speaker greeted us – Wojciech Gawroński. Wojtek told us, how does it look like programming without servers in combination with different languages ​​(Node.js, Python or .Net), and about the advantages and disadvantages of using such solution.



After two extremely interesting lectures, the discussion panel has started, during which we talked about the  development directions of Serverless technology, which solutions are worth using it with and whether it is treated as the technology of the future.

You can listen to the recording (in Polish) from discussion panel on our channelhere.


Next meetings are already in the plan!

If you want to be up to date – follow the Serverless Group on the Meetup platform!

See you at the next event!