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Automating repetitive tasks, regarding both infrastructure and applications, dramatically increases the flexibility of the company while maintaining cost effectiveness, improving service quality, and reducing the number of errors occurring during implementation.

The process takes place at many levels and with full use of appropriate GCP & AWS Cloud services, supplemented with such solutions as Docker, Ansible, or Chef.

As part of the service, we automate all processes related to application deployment, resource scaling, ensuring high availability of the application and environment, back-ups and security mechanism changes implementation.

The automation service is most often used by:
● Owners of applications that are very often updated, which can cause difficulties in managing software versioning. Automation allows you to manage this process consciously and reduce the amount.
● Owners of website or applications with seasonally increasing traffic (e.g., as a result of an advertising campaign) and those who are not able to anticipate large fluctuations in traffic trends. Automation (in this case, auto-scaling) allows you to dynamically adjust the number of resources you use to meet your current needs.
● Everyone who treats the cloud environment as a back-up, in the case of a basic infrastructure failure, and those who run it when the application traffic is significantly larger than usual, and the basic environment is not able to handle it efficiently.
● Those who make backups of basic environments in the computing cloud. Copies can be used either to retrieve data or to run the entire backup environment (Disaster Recovery) if needed.
● Persons who want to make sure their environment is up to date with the latest software releases, security patches, and any virus and vulnerability databases, so they can be confident that their environment is fully secure.

Learn about the subsequent steps

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What will we ask of you before providing the service?

We believe that clear rules of cooperation, known to each party from the beginning, are the basis for effective project implementation. As an AWS partner using AWS services as well as GCp authorized partner, we describe the way we work with details and inform all clients how they should prepare for the upcoming collaboration.

In the case of the automation service, we ask our clients to:
• make an inventory of the resources,
• determine the criticality level for the services,
• indicate requirements regarding basic resources,
• specify events that trigger further processes, e.g. the disaster recovery procedure or back-up.

What technologies do we use?

Thanks to AWS Partnership in the Advanced status as well GCP authorized partner, we know well all the available services, including the latest ones. This allows us to tailor solutions to the individual needs of each client.

To implement the automation service, we use dedicated GCP & Amazon Cloud solutions, such as AWS CloudFront, which allows you to speed up the delivery of websites, APIs, or video content, or OpsWorks - a service for automating configuration management.

We also use such tools and technologies as:
• Docker - a platform for creating, delivering and running applications in a virtualised container environment,
• Serverless - a framework for creating a serverless architecture to streamline and reduce business costs,
• Ansible – a framework enabling automating server management and configuration changes as well as running tasks on demand,
• Chef - a tool kit that enables testing the implemented solutions on local workstations.

What will you gain thanks to automation?

Automation enables the company to dynamically grow, significantly accelerate IT processes and make them more flexible as well as optimise costs. More specifically, thanks to automation we can:
• quickly launch a new environment if needed or expand it to fit the current needs resulting from the behaviour of the users and easily introduce a new version of the application or environment,
• significantly reduce the cost of audits carried out to assess the compliance of IT systems with the latest standards, laws and company regulations,
• achieve faster return on technology investments, as the implementation period is shorter and business benefits appear much earlier,
• serve more clients at low cost, automatically reallocating resources, responding to changes in the use of the application by users.

Learn how others benefited from automation

Below you will find the case studies of our clients, who decided to entrust us with their projects. Find out what challenges we have faced and what we have accomplished using the right solutions.

Do you want to learn more about the service or get the cost estimate?

Provide the necessary information and send your form and we will contact you immediately to learn the details and provide a cost estimate for you.