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Application Deployment

The ability to deploy an application (or its subsequent versions) efficiently, easily and cost-effectively is one of the key benefits of cloud computing. By combining the solutions offered by AWS & GCP with the advantages of Docker containers, the Chef tool and/or the Ansible framework, we are able to offer our clients a fully automatic cohesion management process for subsequent versions of the application.

The deployment processes that we design are often customised but always fully tailored to the needs of the clients and the processes that occur in their applications. After implementing the recommended solutions, deployment can take place automatically or with one press of a button.

Our service is most often used by owners of fast-growing applications supervised by developers in a variety of local environments. The solutions we design help our clients avoid many of the errors resulting from such a work system.

The solution is also perfect for applications with high availability criteria and a short time to deploy their new versions.

Implementation supported by the services described above allows you to significantly streamline and shorten the process.

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What will we ask of you before providing the service?

We believe that clear rules of cooperation, known to each party from the beginning, are the basis for effective project implementation. As an experienced AWS partner in the Advanced status & Authorized GCP Partner, we describe the way we work with details and inform all clients how they should prepare for the upcoming collaboration.

In the case of the application deployment service, we ask our clients to:
• indicate who and how manages the deployment process,
• determine what components are necessary to deploy the new version,
• specify from where and how the current components are to be downloaded.

What technologies do we use?

As a certified member of the Docker community, we know this solution very well and successfully use it to deliver projects to our clients. Docker is a technology used to create, deliver and run applications in a virtualised container environment. In addition, we also use:
• Serverless - a framework for creating a serverless architecture to streamline and reduce business costs;
• Chef - a tool kit that allows us to test the implemented solutions on local workstations;
• Ansible - a framework that enables automating server and configuration management as well as running tasks on demand.

What will you gain thanks to the application deployment service?

Conducting the deployment process using the described technologies and in accordance with the abovementioned scenario allows you to streamline the entire process as well as make it much faster and more flexible, which also translates into large savings.

In addition, by unifying and standardising the environment, we increase the comfort of work for developers and eliminate a number of errors resulting from working in different local environments.

The last but not the least important benefit is that the process of managing subsequent versions of software is much more organised, allowing for a faster release of new versions of an application.

What our clients say about us

Below you will find the case studies of our clients, who decided to entrust us with their projects. Find out what challenges we have faced and what we have accomplished using the right solutions.

Do you want to learn more about the service or get the cost estimate?

Provide the necessary information and send your form and we will contact you immediately to learn the details and provide a cost estimate for you.