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AWS Well Architected Review - the path to well-designed cloud infrastructure, co-financed by AWS.

26.7.2022 | LCloud

What is the AWS Well-Architected Framework?

It’s a structured approach created by AWS that provides a set of best practices, principles and strategies for designing and maintaining cloud computing. The framework allows architects to create secure, efficient and cost-optimized infrastructures at the highest level. It also includes a number of tips on how to evaluate designed solutions, among other things. All the principles contained in the AWS Well-Architected Framework contribute to the creation of infrastructures that will dynamically respond to customer needs. Among other things, this translates into the ability to scale resources.

AWS Well-Architected Pillars

According to AWS, a well-designed infrastructure, is based on the following 6 pillars:
· operational excellence – the ability to run and monitor systems and continuously improve support for the organization’s processes and procedures,
· security – advanced protection of information, systems and resources – a proactive team of experts conducting swift and accurate expert assessments and implementing preventive and corrective actions,
· reliability – the system should be capable of recovering resources, following infrastructure or service disruptions. In addition, the infrastructure must provide dynamic acquisition of computing resources to meet demand and mitigate disruptions such as network problems or misconfigurations,
· operational efficiency – focuses on efficient use of resources. Key issues include monitoring performance
and making informed decisions in order to maintain a high-level efficiency as business needs are constantly evolving,

· cost optimization – effective management of the cost sphere of cloud computing usage. This can be achieved, for example, by adopting cost models based on consumption of the amount of resources needed, measuring overall performance, or abandoning solutions that do not add any value,
· sustainability – reconciling environmental aspects in the development of the enterprise with the requirements of economic efficiency and the expectations of society.

AWS Well-Architected Review

In order to ensure a long-term effects and benefits of AWS, it is necessary to perform regular reviews. Infrastructure review focuses on identifying areas for improvement. It allows to gain extremely important knowledge, obtain measurements, and implement recommendations to your infrastructure based on the company’s business and technical activities. The implementation of the review is carried out by using the AWS Well-Architected Tool following AWS procedures and the knowledge of our experts.

The review allows to verify the client’s infrastructure against architectural best practices for designing cloud solutions. The results of the infrastructure survey conducted are presented in a detailed report.

The report indicates areas for improvement, with respect to the pillars, and whose level of significance is marked ‘high’ and ‘medium.’ In addition, the report includes detailed recommendations to be made to the existing infrastructure to make it more secure, efficient and cost-optimized. The compiled report, along with detailed suggestions and identification of sources of recommendations in AWS, will be presented and discussed by the solution architect conducting the review, with the client during a dedicated meeting. Whether the recommendations are ultimately implemented depends largely on the context of cloud computing in the customer’s organization, hence the decision to implement them, is always at the discretion of the client.

AWS Well-Architected Review Implementation Steps

1. Solutions Architect’s initial interview with the client.

2. Obtain the necessary access to environments.

3. A proper overview of AWS Well-Architected.

4. Solutions Architect’s interview with the client – in-depth.

5. Providing an AWS Well-Architected Report.

6. Discussion of the report.

7. Discussion of recommendations.

8. Plan for implementation of recommendations.

What do you get from AWS Well-Architected?

■ increased safety – compliance with the most stringent requirements,

infrastructure reliability – the ability to recover resources, after disruptions and system failures,

time savings – faster implementation of newer and better solutions,

■ process optimization – implementation of improvements prepared by AWS experts,

cost reduction – reducing energy consumption by up to 80%,

countering hacking attacks – preventing technological risks before they occur.

Get $5,000 in funding!

LCloud has been authorized under the AWS Well Architected Review program to perform infrastructure reviews. As a result, by commissioning the review and implementation of recommendations to a Partner participating in the program, cloud customers can apply for a grant of $5,000. In order to receive this grant, it is necessary to fulfill the terms of the program; among other things, to implement recommendations after a review by LCloud specialists to improve the customer’s cloud computing. The path to obtaining the grant can be closed in three steps, which we have outlined below.

In summary, the AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you review your existing or yet-to-be-designed architecture in AWS cloud computing. By providing a set of AWS best practices, for each of the previously mentioned pillars, it allows you to create stable and efficient systems and infrastructures, while optimizing costs.

If you want to know more about the grant please email us: