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Tallyfy Inc. - fluency in managing processes in the organization

23.7.2019 | LCloud
It is not known that there are people behind every efficient organization, but also a developed workflow system. That is why it is so important to choose the right software supplier that will improve your everyday workflow. As an experienced AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we had the opportunity to implement an interesting project related to such software for Tallyfy Inc.
Tallyfy Inc. is an American company in the IT services industry, creating software for managing business processes, workflow as well as for service management. One of the most important assumptions during the project implementation were:
  • data migration from a traditional data center to AWS,
  • creating an auto-scalable, secure and highly available architecture.

To achieve our goals, we have developed a solution based on the AWS cloud. In order to implement the project, we used such services as Amazon CloudFront, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 or AWS Lambda.

Do you want to learn more? Check out the case study of the project in which we have described this implementation.

And if you are interested in the technical aspect of the solution – we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where you will find a description of the project in the form of video.